Types Of Computer: Know about Different types of Computer

Types of Computers : Know about Different types of Computer

Computers come in all shapes and sizes these days, from massive supercomputers to tiny smartwatches. But at their core, all computer systems can be grouped into a few major types that each serve specific needs. Understanding the key distinctions can help you select the right computer for any application.

The Major Categories of Computers Types

Broadly speaking, computers fall into three major categories

1.Mainframe Computers

Mainframe computers are the big beasts of the computer world that are designed to handle extremely large volumes of data transactions and processing.

A single mainframe can replace dozens or even hundreds of smaller servers and connect thousands of individual users. As a result mainframes are mostly used by large companies and organizations for things like:

  • Census and government data processing – Analyzing massive data sets from census figures or tax processing
  • Transaction processing – Handling high volumes of financial transactions for banks and credit card companies
  • Airline reservations systems – Managing airline booking databases and logistics
  • Enterprise resource planning – Coordinating planning, manufacturing, sales across large multinational corporationsmainframe computers

Benefits of Mainframe Systems

  • Power – A single mainframe has more processing power than thousands of personal computers
  • Reliability – Have built-in redundancy to guarantee 24/7 availability
  • Security – Hardware and OS security features prevent unauthorized access
  • Scalability – Can be easily reconfigured to handle more workload and users

Of course all that power comes at a major cost – a single mainframe system can cost as much as 1 million! But for large mission-critical enterprise applications, mainframes are still the top choice.

2.Mini Computers

Mini computers were initially designed in the 1960s to bridge the gap between extremely expensive mainframe computers and microcomputers. The key difference from mainframes is that they were envisioned to directly interact with and serve fewer users compared to mainframes.

Over the years, minicomputers have mostly been integrated into large computing networks and act as mid-tier servers, supporting functions like:

  • Database management
  • Network control
  • Laboratory testing systems
  • Computer aided design

Some examples of mini computer systems include the DEC VAX, Prime minicomputers, IBM AS/400 amongst others.

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Benefits of Mini Computers

Here are some of the advantages that mini computers offer compared to mainframes:

  • More affordable – Smaller and less expensive than mainframes but offer more processing than microcomputers
  • Interactive use – Can be used by individuals compared to mainframes that only supported batch processing
  • Specialized performance – Tuned to excel at specific tasks like database management or engineering applications.

In the client-server computing model, mini computers continue to have an important role serving as mid-range servers. But as microprocessors become more powerful, the need for separate mini computers is declining.

3.Workstation Computers

Workstations are essentially high-end microcomputers that have extremely powerful processors, multiple CPUs or even multiple vector processors optimized for special applications like graphic design, engineering modeling or scientific analysis.

For instance, workstations excel at running computer aided design (CAD) applications that allow architects and product designers to create 3D models and visualizations. Video editing software also relies extensively on graphics workstations.

Here are some examples of workloads where workstations dominate:

  • Computer animation
  • Weather forecasting
  • Molecular modeling
  • Petroleum exploration
  • Video editing
  • Architecture design

Benefits of Workstations

  • Specialized hardware – Contain cutting edge GPUs, vector processors tailored for engineering, scientific and creative applications
  • Computing power – Pack the processing punch needed for math intensive modeling and visualization
  • Precision and accuracy – Support 64-bit processing for precision required in science and engineering
  • Reliability – Designed to run 24/7 with maximum uptime
  • Scalability – Can be upgraded with more storage, memory and processing cores

For these reasons, workstations are the workhorse computers preferred by animators, product designers, engineers and scientists.

4.Personal Computers

Personal computers, or PCs are what most of us are likely using to read this article right now. As microcomputers designed for individual use, modern PCs represent a diverse range including:

  • Desktop computers
  • Laptops
  • Tablets
  • Smartphones
  • Gaming consoles

Nearly all personal computers now use microprocessors compatible with the x86 architecture first introduced with the original IBM PC.

Common uses of personal computers such as laptops, desktops and tablets include:

  • Email and web access
  • Office productivity software
  • Social media
  • Multimedia – music, movies and gaming
  • Running custom business applications

Types of Computer

Benefits of Personal Computers

Below are some of the advantages that make PCs indispensable for both work and personal use:

  • Affordable – Desktop computers and laptops are economical for most people
  • Compact – Modern laptops, smartphones and tablets are highly portable
  • Easy to use – Simple enough for anyone to use with minimal training
  • Personalized – Can be customized with choice of OS, software for each user’s needs

The versatility and continual advancement of personal computers lead to their massive adoption throughout modern society.

5.Server Computers

Servers are essentially more powerful computers configured to serve multiple users in a client-server network model. While regular desktop PCs can also host software to service users, dedicated servers have hardware and OS features tailored for 24/7 operation with maximum performance, stability and security.

Some examples of dedicated servers include:

  • File servers for storing shared files and documents
  • Database servers for storing and accessing structured data
  • Web servers for hosting and delivering web sites
  • Application servers for running line-of-business enterprise apps
  • Mail servers for handling communication
  • Print servers for connecting printers and managing print jobs

Benefits of Servers

Below are some of the prime advantages offered by dedicated computer servers:

  • Performance – Multi-core processors and abundant RAM tailored for heavy workloads
  • Reliability – Components and OS designed for 24/7 operation
  • Scalability – Increased workload can be handled by adding more processing cores and storage
  • High availability – Failover clustering ensures continuous uptime
  • Security – Lock down sensitive corporate data from vulnerabilities

For these reasons, every modern IT infrastructure relies on networks of dedicated, specially designed servers for robustness.

6.Analog Computers

Analog computers are a largely obsolete class of computers that use electrical, mechanical or hydraulic signals to model the computational problem being solved. They preceded the advent of digital computing and are no longer used.

Some examples of primitive analog computers include:

  • Slide rule – A mechanical calculator used for math and engineering problems before electronic calculators became affordable
  • Planimeter – A wheel-and-disk mechanism for measuring irregular areas not easily calculated by hand
  • Differential analyser – Used analog controls like motors and gears to solve differential equations

These have been replaced by programmable digital computers which offer greater accuracy, versatility and repeatability for all but specialized use cases.

Benefits of Analog Computers

Analog computing does have some advantages in specific situations:

  • Visualization – Represent problem domain physically with slides, wheels and gears
  • Accuracy – Can hold accuracy up to 3 or 4 decimal places sufficient for most equations
  • Intuition – Allow more intuitive grasp of problem space
  • Cost – Very inexpensive to design specialized analog computers

However, limited precision and inability to solve more advanced computing problems ultimately led to the inevitable shift to digital computing in the post-war era.

Fun fact – the Apollo Guidance Computer used a mix of digital and analog components with the latter assisting with real-time trajectory calculations!

7.Digital Computers

In contrast to analog devices, digital computers represent data and operations with discrete values rendered in a binary numeric system with only two states – 0 and 1. This allows them to store programs with extremely complex logic and perform repetitive calculations with 100% accuracy.

Today, digital computers dominate every domain thanks to benefits like:

  • Greater speed
  • 100% computation accuracy
  • Ability to handle advanced functions
  • Storage of multiple complex programs
  • Address complex branching logic flows
  • Display and communicate digital output

Pretty much every modern computing device relies on digital processing including smartphones, tablets, laptops, network servers and even massive supercomputers. The programmable nature of digital computers enabled the software revolution that shapes every facet of society today.

Benefits of Digital Computers

  • Accuracy – Discrete binary values enable 100% accurate computations
  • Complexity – Can render complex logic encompassing unlimited conditional branches
  • Speed – Process huge datasets and execute solutions faster than human ability
  • Versatility – Able to address problems across industrial, scientific and educational domains
  • Automation – Enable automatic execution of repetitive tasks without human intervention

It is this tremendous leap in computational potential that precipitated the digital era built on these foundations.

8.Hybrid Computers

Hybrid computers combine the best features of analog and digital computers to analyze complex real-world problems. They allow digital computers to offload precise analog components for specific functions like graphics acceleration or advanced simulations.

Some examples of hybrid computers include:

Graphics workstations – Use specialized analog signaling processors on video cards to render complex 3D animations and visualizations in real time.

Engineering equipment – Analog signaling helps replicate the real world environment being tested such as vibration, temperature or pressure changes.

Radars – Use high frequency analog signals for detecting flight trajectories and digital signaling for extracting and displaying information.

Benefits of Hybrid Computers

Here are some useful capabilities offered by combining analog and digital features:

  • Model real-world conditions accurately
  • Visualize simulations in real-time
  • Stable platform for designing advanced control systems
  • Improve accuracy for experimentation
  • Handle complex real-time calculations exceeding digital computer speeds

This fusion of strengths is the reason fields like aircraft design, weather monitoring and medical imaging still benefit from hybrid computing implementations.

9.Tablets and Smartphones

Tablets and smartphones pack the power of entire room-sized computers from the past into a pocket-sized device most of us carry everywhere we go. iOS and Android based mobile devices are full-fledged personal computers at their core. But it’s the ultra-portable form factor and touchscreen interface that led to widespread adoption.

Smartphones and tablets have enabled applications like:

  • Instant messaging
  • Mapping, transit and travel
  • Health and fitness monitoring
  • Entertainment on the go
  • Mobile commerce

And much more. Combine this versatility with cellular connectivity, long battery life, lightweight hardware and content-rich app ecosystems – tablets and smartphones fulfilled needs no previous computer model addressed.

Benefits of Mobile Computing Devices

Below are just some of the benefits that make handheld mobile computers indispensable:

  • Portability – Lightweight enough to carry everywhere
  • Always connected – Cellular networks mean Internet anywhere
  • Touch interface – Intuitive, easy to interact without peripherals
  • All-day battery – No more being tethered to chargers
  • Packaged hardware+software – Integrated suite of sensors, apps and services

Together this bundle of capabilities made smartphones and tablets the fastest adopted technology in human history. And with mobile devices getting continuously more powerful and versatile, they will undoubtedly remain vital personal computers for the foreseeable future.


Computer Generations

         Computer technology has rapidly evolved over a series of generations since their inception. Each generation brought major improvements in computing power, speed and capacity over the previous generation. Here is a summary:

Generation Timeframe Key Features
1st 1946-1959 Vacuum tube tech, required large dedicated spaces, very limited programming functionality
2nd 1959-1965 Transistors instead of tubes, allowing smaller form factors more suited for business settings
3rd 1965-1971 Integrated circuits enabled more complex circuitry; core of most mainframe computers
4th 1971-1981 VLSI microprocessor chips sparked rise of PCs; increasing processing capacity
5th 1981-Present Continued development of microprocessors, computing now mainstream for consumer & business apps

        With each leap in generation, computers became cheaper, smaller, more accessible and applicable to new computing scenarios for businesses and individuals. We are still in the fifth generation, with continuous advances in areas like AI, quantum and optical computing which could spearhead the next generation.

Basic Parts of a Computer

         Computers share common components and mechanisms regardless of their type, size or capability. Here are the key hardware components that make up any basic computer:

basic parts of computer

  • Motherboard – Main circuit board providing core connectivity between components
  • CPU (Central Processing Unit) – Chip performing calculations and running operations
  • Memory (RAM and ROM) – Stores data for fast access by CPU
  • Storage Drive – Hardware for permanent storage of data and applications
  • Power Supply – Provides electrical power to run computer components
  • Expansion cards – Add specialized functions e.g. dedicated graphics card
  • Ports/Peripherals – Connect external devices, e.g USB ports, mouse, keyboard etc.

While computers provide game-changing tools, the risks call for ongoing education on healthy, secure computing habits and oversight regulations that balance innovation with public interest.

Advantages of Different Computer Types

We’ve covered the key categories and some examples of computer systems you’re likely to encounter. Here’s a summary view of the main advantages offered by each computer type discussed:

  • Personal computers: Versatile, affordable, customizable
  • Tablets / phones: Ultraportable, intuitive interfaces
  • Servers: Power, reliability and security optimized for 24/7 operation
  • Mainframes: Maximum processing muscle for huge batch transactions
  • Workstations: Specialized hardware for demanding creative workloads
  • Hybrid computers: Combine strengths of analog and digital features

Disadvantages of Different Computer Types

And some potential drawbacks to keep in mind:

  • Personal computers – Limited processing capability, prone to malware threats
  • Tablets / phones – Smaller screens constrain some applications
  • Servers – Require dedicated admin and virtualization skills
  • Mainframes – Sky high costs, only suited for large scale workloads
  • Workstations – Costly hardware only justified for select advanced professional usages
  • Hybrid computers – Analog components limit programmability and lack precision of pure digital platforms


As we’ve explored in detail, there is no single computer system that excels at every possible function. But companies now have access to an expanding toolbox of devices – from customizable PCs, portable mobile devices to high performance mainframes and servers. Identifying your performance, budget and usage parameters makes choosing the right platform far less daunting.

On the personal front as well, select from everyday laptops, handheld tablets or high-end gaming rigs based on computing necessities. For those pursuing professional creative endeavors, invest in a tailored workstation matching software requirements. Mundane household tasks or web browsing on the couch? Any mainstream phone, tablet or notebook will do!

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Types of Computer

  • What are the 3 Categories of computer?
    Computers can be classified into three broad categories – general purpose computers designed for common applications like office tasks or web browsing; dedicated purpose computers engineered for specialized functions like smart car computers or airport check-in systems; and limited purpose computers with constrained capabilities tuned for niche roles like digital watch processors.
  • What are the 5 main structure of computer?
    The key components making up the structure of every computer are – Motherboard, Central Processing Unit (CPU), Random Access Memory (RAM), hard disk drives for permanent storage, a power supply unit, expansion card slots to enhance functionality, and ports to connect external devices.
  • What controls the computer?
    A computer’s overall function is controlled by its operating system and central processing unit (CPU). The operating system like Windows or MacOS manages allocation of system resources while the CPU carries out processes by executing machine code instructions for the software being used.
  • What is small computer called?
    Small-sized computers designed for single-user applications are most commonly referred to as personal computers or PCs. Even as computing devices get smaller, if running a complete operating system and fulfilling the common capabilities expected of a PC then they would still appropriately be labeled a small personal computer

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