Computer Ethics

Computer Ethics

        Computer ethics refers to the ethical issues that arise from the use of computer technology. As computers and digital devices become more integrated into every aspect of life, new ethical questions emerge. Understanding the key principles of computer ethics can help guide the responsible development and use of technology moving forward.

Foundation Of Computer Ethics

        Computer ethics builds upon traditional fields like philosophy, law, and ethics. However, it applies classical ethical concepts to the modern, technology-driven world. Some foundational principles of computer ethics include:

  • Privacy: What right to privacy do individuals have in the digital sphere regarding their personal data and information? How can organizations ethically collect, store, use and share user data?
  • Accuracy: How can we ensure information stored and shared digitally maintains accuracy and truthfulness? What ethical obligations exist around detecting and correcting falsehoods or errors?
  • Property: Who owns digital property like files, photos, downloads and other online material? What rights come with digital ownership?
  • Accessibility: Should all individuals have equal access to computer technology and the internet? Is digital accessibility a human right?

          These principles help frame key discussions around topics like surveillance, hacking, copyright, censorship and access to technology. They underline many modern issues in computer ethics.

History of Computer Ethics

        While computers have existed for decades, focused attention on computer ethics only emerged beginning in the 1960s and 1970s. Several key events and publications helped launch dedicated examination of this field:

History of computer Ethics


  • In 1968, the Software Ethics Conference convened, one of the first conferences centered on computing responsibility. Topics included privacy, accuracy and moral use of computers.
  • Norbert Wiener’s 1968 book ”The Human Use of Human Beings” discussed how automation technology could dehumanize society without ethical guidelines. It spurred debate on moral computing.
  • Walter Maner’s 1978 paper “Starter Kit on Teaching Computer Ethics” made early recommendations for integrating computer ethics into college curriculums. This helped establish computer ethics as a discipline.

         As public access to computers expanded through the 1980s and internet usage grew in the 1990s, ethical practice became crucial for both companies and individuals utilizing these emerging technologies. More professional codes of conduct, educational programs and public discussions helped advance the field and spread awareness of key issues. Today it remains vitally relevant to global technology use across all sectors.

10 Commandments of Computer Ethics

           In 1992, the Computer Ethics Institute crafted 10 guiding principles for responsible computing titled ”The Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics”. These rules provide a useful ethical framework that remains applicable today 

 They shalt not use a computer to harm other people.

  1. They shalt not interfere with other people’s computer work.
  2. They shalt not snoop around in other people’s computer files.
  3. They shalt not use a computer to steal.
  4. They shalt not use a computer to bear false witness.
  5. They shalt not copy or use proprietary software for which you have not paid.
  6. They shalt not use other people’s computer resources without authorization or proper compensation.
  7. They shalt not appropriate other people’s intellectual output.
  8. They shalt think about the social consequences of the program you are writing or the system you are designing.
  9. They shalt always use a computer in ways that ensure consideration and respect for your fellow humans.

            These rules compel ethical reflection across many areas from privacy to hacking, plagiarism, piracy, accuracy and social responsibility. They provide an ethical framework adaptable to new and emerging technologies that continue influencing human life and society.

Types of Computer Ethics

        There are 4 main types or branches of computer ethics that categorize different ethical issues related to computing:

Types of computer ethics

1. Cyberethics

Cyberethics involves ethics governing electronic communications like email and social media. Key issues include:

  • Privacy, security and anonymity
  • Censorship vs freedom of information
  • Harassment, bullying and hostile communication
  • Spread of misinformation or propaganda

2. Professional Ethics

Professional covers codes of conduct for computing professions including:

  • Responsible use of data and analytics
  • Transparent development processes
  • Proper crediting of sources and colleagues
  • Ethical marketing standards and public engagement

3. Internet Ethics

Internet ethics governs appropriate use of connectivity, dealing with topics like:

  • Equal availability and censorship
  • Freedom of expression controversies
  • Hacking, piracy and unauthorized access
  • Appropriate conduct in online communities

4. Ethics of AI and Emerging Tech

This area scrutinizes ethical practices involved in:

  • AI and algorithm development
  • Autonomous tech like self-driving cars
  • Digital surveillance tools including facial recognition
  • Use of bots and digital avatars

          Examining the ethical implications across all these spheres helps promote conscientious, transparent and fair development of new technologies that connect society.


         It will only grow in importance as digital transformation accelerates across industries. By understanding foundational ethical principles surrounding computing, analyzing issues through frameworks like the 10 commandments, and updating codes of conduct to address emerging technologies, organizations and individuals can take proactive steps to ensure tech progresses responsibly. Technology holds great promise to improve lives, increase access to information and services, and boost human potential overall – but only if developed transparently through an ethical lens. 

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Computer Ethics

  • What is computing ethics?
    Computing ethics refers to the ethical issues and guidelines surrounding the use of computer technology and digital devices. It is the study and evaluation of what responsible conduct looks like in the computing sphere.
  • What are the 4 types of computer ethics?
    The 4 main branches of computer ethics are cyberethics, professional computer ethics, internet ethics and ethics of AI/emerging tech. Each covers issues linked to different aspects of the digital experience.
  • What are the 5 importance of computer ethics?
    5 key reasons computer ethics matters are:
    1. Protects privacy rights and people's reasonable expectations of privacy with data collection and monitoring tech.
    2. Upholds accuracy and truthfulness in information stored, processed and shared on computers and online platforms.

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