Difference between LCD and LED Monitors: Definition, Advantages, Features

Difference Between LCD and LED Monitors

LCD (liquid crystal display) and LED (light emitting diode) are two competing technologies used in computer monitors. At first glance, LCD and LED monitors may look similar, but there are some key differences when it comes to how they work, their performance, and their overall pros and cons. This blog post will examine the differences between LCD and LED monitors in depth so you can determine which is better for your needs.

In a nutshell, the main differences between LCD and LED monitors comes down to their backlighting, lifespan, eco-friendliness, picture quality, viewing angles, pricing, and more. LCD monitors use cold cathode fluorescent lamps (CCFLs) for backlighting while LED monitors use, you guessed it, LEDs. The different light sources impact factors like brightness, color accuracy, and max resolution.

Overall, LED monitors tend to perform better in areas like brightness, contrast, black levels, color accuracy, viewing angles, and more. However, LCD monitors can still be a great choice, especially if you’re on a tight budget. Let’s dive in and look at the key differences in greater detail.

What is an LCD?

LCD (liquid crystal display) monitors have been around since the 1970s and dominated the computer monitor market for decades. An LCD monitor contains a layer of liquid crystals sandwiched between two polarized panels. An electric current passes through the liquid crystals, causing them to block light. This allows an image to be displayed on the screen.

The liquid crystals themselves do not produce light. Thus, LCD monitors require a separate backlight, typically cold cathode fluorescent lamps (CCFLs). The CCFLs shine light through the layer of liquid crystals to generate the image you see on the monitor.

Some key benefits of LCD monitors include:

  • More affordable pricing compared to LED monitors
  • Can be made very thin/slim
  • Consume less energy than CRT monitors

Some downsides to LCD monitors include:

  • Narrower viewing angles than LEDs
  • Slower pixel response times, causing ghosting/blurring
  • Use mercury in CCFL backlights, less eco-friendly

Overall, LCD is a proven, reliable technology that continues to provide good performance and value, especially in lower budget monitors.

LCD Screen Display Information:

LCD screens produce images by controlling the light transmission of liquid crystals. They typically offer good color accuracy and wide viewing angles. However, LCD displays may suffer from slower response times, which can lead to motion blur in fast-paced content like gaming or action movies.

Advantages of LCD Monitors

LCD monitors have been around for decades and still offer some benefits over the newer LED technology:

  • More Affordable – LCD monitors are generally cheaper than equivalent LED models, often by $50-$100 or more. This makes LCD a better choice if you’re on a tight budget.
  • Proven Reliable Technology – The LCD technology is mature and time-tested. You can expect a reliably performing monitor, even from lower-cost models.
  • Very Thin/Compact – LCD monitors can be extremely thin, some less than 10mm thick. This allows for sleek, space-saving designs.
  • Lower Power Consumption – Compared to older CRT monitors, LCD monitors are energy efficient and eco-friendly. They use 25-50% less power than equivalent CRTs.
  • No Viewing Angle Issues – Unlike early generation LEDs, LCDs don’t suffer from shifting colors, contrast, and brightness at wider viewing angles.

For general home, office, and basic gaming use, a quality budget LCD monitor can be a great choice. The technology provides good performance for day-to-day use at an affordable price point.

Hasons LCD

Disadvantages of LCD Monitors

While LCD monitors still offer good value and performance, there are some downsides to the technology:

  • Narrower Viewing Angles – The optimum viewing angle is only about 160° for LCD monitors. Colors and contrast can shift outside this cone.
  • Slower Response Times – Pixel response times are typically 5ms or higher, which can cause ghosting/blurring in fast moving video and games.
  • Lower Contrast and Black Levels – With a 600:1 contrast ratio, LCD monitors can’t achieve inky deep blacks. Blacks appear more like dark grays.
  • Less Accurate Colors – The CCFL backlights offer less accuracy and color gamut than LED backlights. Colors may appear slightly washed out.
  • Thicker/Heavier – The CCFL backlights require extra space which makes LCD monitors thicker and heavier than LED models.

While these downsides won’t bother the average user, graphic designers, hardcore gamers, and home theater enthusiasts may want to look at LED monitors instead.

LCD Features:

  1. Backlighting: LCD screens require a separate backlight to illuminate the liquid crystals.
  2. Response Time: LCD monitors may have slower response times, typically measured in milliseconds (ms).
  3. Viewing Angles: LCD displays offer relatively wide viewing angles, allowing multiple people to view the screen without significant color distortion.

What is LED?

LED is a newer display technology that uses light-emitting diodes to illuminate the display. LED monitors are a type of LCD monitor, but they use LEDs as the backlight source instead of traditional CCFL (Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp) backlights.

LED monitors use LEDs (light-emitting diodes) for backlighting instead of CCFLs. This provides LED monitors with some advantages over traditional LCDs:

  • LEDs allow for thinner/lighter displays
  • Wider viewing angles (178° vs 160° for LCD)
  • Faster response times, reducing ghosting/blurring
  • Higher contrast, deeper blacks (1000:1 vs 600:1 for LCD)
  • More accurate colors and higher brightness
  • Completely mercury-free and more eco-friendly

LED backlighting started appearing in monitors in the late 2000s. Early LED monitors used white LEDs but later evolved to use RGB LEDs for even better color accuracy. LED-backlit LCD monitors combine the tried and true LCD technology with the advanced LED backlighting.

Some downsides to LED monitors include:

  • More expensive than equivalent LCD models
  • LEDs can produce uneven backlighting/screen uniformity issues

But overall, LED backlighting provides noticeable improvements in color, contrast, viewing angles, and response times compared to LCD. This makes LED monitors a great choice for gaming, photo/video work, or situations where maximum performance is needed.

Screen LED Display Information:

Screen LED also use liquid crystals like LCDs, but the LED backlighting provides more precise control over brightness and contrast. This results in better image quality, deeper blacks, and improved overall color reproduction. LED monitors generally offer faster response times compared to traditional LCD monitors.

Advantages of LED Monitors

The LED backlighting used in LED monitors provides many improvements over traditional LCD panels:

  • Thinner and Lighter – LED monitors shed 1-3 inches of thickness and 5+ lbs of weight versus LCDs. Great for wall mounting or saving space.
  • Better Viewing Angles – You can view LED monitors from 178° angles with no color shifting or contrast changes.
  • Faster Response Times – LED monitors have quick 1-5ms response times, eliminating ghosting or motion blur.
  • Higher Contrast and Blacks – With up to 1000:1 contrast, LED black levels are inky dark instead of grayish.
  • More Vivid, Accurate Colors – The LED backlighting produces a wider color gamut, especially with RGB LEDs.
  • Greater Brightness – LED monitors can achieve extremely high brightness up to 600 nits, while LCDs top out around 250-300 nits typically.
  • Eco-Friendly – LEDs are mercury free, using less hazardous materials. And they consume less power than CCFL backlights.

Overall, the LED backlighting allows for better performance and picture quality across the board compared to LCD panels. Gamers, designers, and home theater users will appreciate the improvements.

Hasons LED

Disadvantages of LED Monitors

While LED monitors excel in many areas, they aren’t without a few downsides:

  • More Expensive – Dollar for dollar, LED monitors still cost $50-$200+ more than comparable LCD models. The premium pricing makes them less accessible.
  • Screen Uniformity Issues – The LED backlighting can produce uneven brightness and color uniformity across the screen. Some light bleed is common.
  • Burn-in Potential – The risk of permanent screen burn-in from static content is higher, requiring precautions.
  • Reflective Screen Surface – The layers used in LED panels can cause more glare and reflections than traditional LCD screens.

For most, the performance benefits of LED monitors outweigh these drawbacks. But LCD is still a smart choice for casual users who don’t need the fastest performance and color accuracy that LED provides.

LED Features:

  1. Backlighting: LED monitors use light-emitting diodes as the backlight source, providing more precise control over brightness.
  2. Response Time: LED monitors typically have faster response times, resulting in smoother motion and reduced motion blur.
  3. Viewing Angles: LED displays generally offer wide viewing angles similar to LCD monitors.

15 Key Differences Between LCD and LED Monitors

To summarize so far, here are 15 key differences between LCD and LED monitors:

1. Backlighting – CCFL vs LED

LCD uses CCFL while LED uses LED backlighting. The LEDs allow for thinner panels, better image quality, and lower power use.

2. Viewing Angles

LCD:- 160° optimum viewing angle with color shifting beyond that.

LED:- 178° before any color/contrast shift so better for wide viewing.

3. Response Times

LCD:- Typically 5ms or more, can cause ghosting.

LED:- Very fast 1-5ms response time for crisp motion.

4. Contrast Ratio

LCD:- 600:1 contrast ratio. Blacks appear grayish.

LED:- Up to 1000:1 for deep blacks.

5. Color Gamut Coverage

LCD:- Covers only about 60-70% of sRGB. More washed out colors.

LED:- Covers over 95% of sRGB for more vivid, accurate colors.

6. Brightness

LCD:- 250-300 nit maximum brightness typically.

LED:- Can achieve up to 600 nit maximum brightness.

7. Power Consumption

LCD:- Slightly more power hungry due to CCFL backlights.

LED:- More energy efficient and eco-friendly.

8. Weight

LCD:- Heavier by around 5 lbs due to thick backlights.

LED:- Thinner and lighter in weight, easier to mount.

9. Burn-in Risk

LCD:- Very little risk of burn-in.

LED:- More susceptible to burn-in from static images.

10. Screen Uniformity

LCD:- Tend to have good uniformity with fewer bright spots.

LED:- Can suffer from uneven backlighting and light bleed.

11. Reflections

LCD:- Less reflective screen coating.

LED:- More prone to glare from room lights.

12. Price

LCD:- Generally $50-$200 cheaper than LED monitors of the same size and resolution.

LED:- More expensive but drops in price over time.

13. Lifespan

LCD:- CCFLs diminish over time but usually last 5-10 years.

LED:- LEDs gradually lose brightness but last 10-15+ years.

14. Curved Screens

LCD:- Uncommon to find curved LCD monitors.

LED:- LED backlighting allows for ultra-thin curved monitors.

15. Best Uses

LCD:- Home, office, and basic gaming use. Good for tight budgets.

LED:- Graphics work, gaming, and home theater. Best color and motion.

As you can see, some clear advantages LED monitors have over LCD thanks to the LED backlighting. But LCD remains a solid choice for basic everyday use.

Difference between LCD and LED Monitors:

Metric LCD Monitor LED Monitor
Backlight CCFL LED
Viewing Angle 160° 178°
Response Time 5ms+ 1-5ms
Contrast 600:1 1000:1
Color Gamut 60-70% sRGB 95%+ sRGB
Brightness 250-300 nits Up to 600 nits
Eco-Friendly Mercury in backlights 100% mercury free
Power Use Slightly higher 20-30% lower
Video Walls Not ideal Excellent for large walls
Burn-in risk Very low Moderate risk

Comparison of LCD and LED Monitors

Specs LCD Monitor LED Monitor
Backlight CCFL LED
Viewing Angle 160° 178°
Response Time 5ms+ 1-5ms
Contrast 600:1 1000:1
Color Gamut 60-70% sRGB 95%+ sRGB
Brightness 250-300 nits Up to 600 nits
Power Use Slightly higher More efficient
Weight Heavier Lighter
Burn-in Risk Very low Moderate
Uniformity Good Can have issues
Reflections Less glare More glare prone
Price 500-2000 less More expensive
Lifespan 5-10 years 10-15+ years
Curved Models Uncommon Widely available

Key Differences Between LCD and LED Monitors

Gaming Performance

One area where LED monitors stand out is definitely gaming performance. Gamers will appreciate the faster response times, higher refresh rates, and lack of motion blur provided by LED monitors.

LED panels have very fast 1-5 ms response times versus the slower 5ms or higher typical of LCD monitors. This rapid pixel response eliminates the ghosting and motion blur you can experience in games, especially fast-paced FPS titles. Everything looks crisp and fluid with LED.

The higher contrast ratios of LED also help reveal details in dark gaming environments. Subtle elements that would be lost in grayish blacks on an LCD are clearer. This gives a slight competitive advantage.

And LED monitors tend to come in gaming-friendly features like 144Hz or 240Hz refresh rates for ultra smooth gameplay. Many also support variable refresh rate technologies like Nvidia G-Sync and AMD FreeSync for tear-free visuals.

Overall, the speed and clarity of LED monitors equates to a very responsive, immersive gaming experience. LCD isn’t unplayable but expect some motion blur in action games.

Life and Durability

When it comes to expected lifespan, LED monitors tend to last longer than LCD models. Let’s look at why:

LCD monitors typically use CCFL backlights which gradually dim and degrade over time. After 5-10 years, the backlights are quite faded and often need replacing. This repair isn’t very cost effective, so LCD monitors tend to get replaced once the backlights burn out.

LED monitors use LEDs which also fade over many years of use but not nearly as fast as CCFLs. Well built LED monitors can easily last 10-15 years or longer before LED degradation becomes an issue. So you can expect a longer usable life from an LED monitor.

LED monitors are also more resistant to screen burn-in. The LED backlights are less prone to leaving permanent ghost images on the screen from static content. LCDs aren’t burn-in free but have lower risk than early OLED monitors. Still, LED is safer for long term use.

Lastly, the reduced weight and bulk of LED monitors makes them less susceptible to damage from drops or accidents. They aren’t as heavy and fragile as traditional CCFL-backlit LCD panels.

Size and Shape Options

The thin profile and light weight of LED backlighting allows monitor manufacturers to create LED panels in larger sizes and unconventional shapes.

For LCD monitors, the bulky rear housing required for CCFL backlights limits how thin panels can be. Most LCD monitors top out around 27 to 32 inches before becoming too thick and heavy. But LED monitors can be found in larger 34, 35 and even 49-inch screen sizes but remain slim and wall mountable.

Additionally, the thin LED panels can be bent into curved or ultra-wide curved shapes for a more immersive wrap-around viewing experience. Curved LCD monitors do exist but are far less common than curved LED options.

So if you want an ultra-large desktop monitor over 30 inches or a curved ultrawide monitor for gaming or work, LED is your best bet. LCD monitors are limited to smaller sizes and traditional flat shapes.

Price Comparison

One definite advantage LCD panels retain over LED is lower pricing. Dollar for dollar, you can spend less buying an LCD monitor versus an equivalent LED monitor:

  • 24-inch 1080p monitors – LCD around 12000 vs 18000 for LED
  • 27-inch 1440p monitors – LCD around 24000 vs 33000+ for LED
  • 32-inch 4K monitors – LCD around 30000 vs 40000+ for LED

The price difference is usually around $50-$200 depending on size, resolution, and features. Of course, LED prices have dropped over the years, but LCD monitors remain the budget option.

Consider your needs carefully though. The better visuals and performance of LED may justify the added cost for photo/video work, gaming, or home theater uses. But for everyday office use, a cheaper LCD screen will work perfectly fine.


When LCD monitors first gained popularity over CRTs, they were considered more eco-friendly thanks to much lower power draw. But LED monitors have since taken the crown as the most environmentally friendly display technology.

LCD panels require mercury-containing CCFL backlights to function. This makes disposing of old LCD monitors more hazardous to the environment. Early LED monitors also used some mercury in their LEDs, but modern LED backlights are 100% mercury free.

LED monitors are also more energy efficient than LCDs. LEDs require 20-30% less power than CCFL backlights overall, which adds up over years of use. Using an Energy Star certified LED monitor can help minimize your electricity costs and environmental footprint.

If you want the greenest monitor choice, modern LED monitors have the edge over LCD when it comes to being environmentally responsible.

Energy Efficiency

As touched on above, LED backlit monitors are more energy efficient overall compared to CCFL backlit LCD monitors. Let’s look closer at why this is the case.

The CCFL tubes used to backlight LCD panels require more power to achieve the same brightness levels as LED backlights. Plus, CCFL backlights use diffusers and light guides which absorb some light. More power is needed to compensate.

LED monitors produce the same or higher brightness levels using fewer, more efficient LEDs. And there’s no light loss from diffusers or guides. So they use at least 20-30% less power than LCD monitors of the same size and specs.

This energy efficiency helps lower electricity costs over the years you use the monitor. And it reduces environmental impact. Many LED monitors carry Energy Star certification for meeting strict energy efficiency guidelines. Energy Star LED monitors use 35% less energy on average compared to non-certified monitors.

If saving power is important to you, LED is the most efficient display technology currently available. LCD monitors aren’t power hogs but can’t match the energy savings of LED.

Picture Quality

When it comes to pure image quality, LED monitors are the clear winner over LCD thanks to their high contrast ratios, color accuracy, and brightness levels.

Deep blacks – The LED backlighting achieves up to 1000:1 contrast ratios, allowing for truly deep blacks. LCD blacks appear more washed out and grayish in comparison. Fine shadow details are clearer on LED monitors.

Vibrant colors – LED covers 95% or more of the sRGB color gamut while LCD panels only reach 70-80% typically. So colors are more lifelike and vivid on an LED monitor.

Greater brightness – LED monitors can get extremely bright, up to 600 nits. LCD maxes out around 250-300 nits normally. This gives LED the advantage in well-lit rooms.

Video Walls

Another advantage of LED monitors is the ability to create stunning large-scale video walls for commercial displays and signage. This is very difficult to achieve with LCD panels.

The thin, lightweight design of LED monitors allows them to be tiled together into massive video walls. You can build video walls many monitors wide and tall for lifelike images, visibility from a distance, and wow factor.

Large video walls aren’t practical with thicker, heavier LCD monitors. The bezels and gaps between monitors would be massive. And the sheer weight makes safely installing them a challenge. Video walls with LCD monitors do exist but are less common.

For digital signage, public displays, and commercial AV installations where large video walls are desired, ultra thin LED monitors make this possible. For home office use, this isn’t a concern of course. But it demonstrates the flexibility of LED technology.

Image Quality at Different Viewing Angles

One shortcoming of LCD monitors are their limited viewing angles. The image degrades quite noticeably if viewing LCD monitors much beyond 160° off-center vertically or horizontally.

Colors shift and contrast fades rapidly the further you move off-axis from an LCD monitor. This is only an issue if you need to view the screen from well off-center. But for sharing content with a group of people, it can be problematic.

LED monitors maintain consistent image quality even up to 178° viewing angles. Colors stay accurate and contrast remains stable regardless of your viewing position. So for wide or shared viewing, LED monitors perform better. This also makes LED ideal for ultrawide curved monitors.

If your LCD monitor use is exclusively head-on, the viewing angle difference isn’t a big deal. But for multimedia and gaming, the wider angles of LED monitors are beneficial.


This is one of the core differences between the technologies – LCD utilizes CCFL tubes to provide backlighting and illumination. LED monitors use LEDs across the back of the panel instead.

The LED backlighting provides many inherent advantages over CCFL backlights:

  • Thinner – no bulky tubes needed
  • Lighter – less materials used in construction
  • Higher brightness potential – LEDs can get extremely bright
  • Local dimming possible – LED backlight zones control can be individually dimmed for increased contrast/black levels.
  • Mercury free – no hazardous chemicals like in CCFLs
  • More durable – LEDs last longer than easily damaged CCFL tubes

Overall, the LED backlighting approach is more advanced and provides better performance along with environmental benefits. Manufacturers have adapted LED backlights to LCD panels to gain these advantages in “LED monitors.”


LCD and LED represent two distinct monitor technologies each with their own sets of pros and cons. Choosing between LCD vs LED comes down to a combination of:

  • Intended use – gaming, graphic design, office work?
  • Budget – LED costs 5000-20000+ more than equivalent LCD
  • Desired features – color accuracy, brightness, contrast ratio
  • Environmental impact – LED is more eco-friendly

For most everyday office and home uses, a budget LCD monitor still provides good quality and value. But for applications requiring color fidelity, brightness, and speed like gaming and video editing, step up to a LED monitor. The improved visuals and performance are worth the added cost.

Hope you got whole clear insight on difference between lcd and led monitors
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Difference between LCD and LED Monitors

  • Which is better - LCD or LED monitor?
    Overall, LED monitors perform better than LCDs thanks to the LED backlighting improvements. But LCD remains a good lower-cost option for basic uses.
  • What are the 3 main differences between LCD and LED monitors?
    The 3 big differences are:
    1. LED has better color, contrast, brightness and viewing angles
    2. LED monitors have faster response times for gaming/video
    3. LED uses eco-friendly LED backlights versus CCFL tubes in LCD
  • Is an LED or LCD monitor better for your eyes?
     LED monitors produce less eye strain overall thanks to higher brightness levels, accurate colors, and lack of motion blur. But a high quality LCD monitor won't necessarily damage your eyes.
  • Is LCD cheaper than LED?
     Yes, LCD monitors are generally 5000 to 20000 cheaper than comparable sized LED monitors of the same resolution and features. The cost gap has narrowed over time but LCD remains the budget option.
  • What's the difference between LCD and LED for students?
    The key differences students should know are: LED has better viewing angles, color accuracy and less eye strain for long study sessions. But LCD works fine for schoolwork and costs less, so budget may determine the best choice.

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