Characteristics of Computer System | Key Features Explained

Characteristics of Computer System

Before we dive into the Characteristics of Computer System.

Computers have become an integral part of our daily lives, processing data with ease and performing tasks with incredible speed and efficiency. These devices have several outstanding characteristics that contribute to their efficiency and versatility. The ability to process information at lightning speed, combined with perfect accuracy, makes it indispensable in a variety of industries. Computers are also designed to reflect their hard work and work tirelessly without any decrease in productivity. Moreover, its versatility allows for consistent and reliable handling of a wide range of tasks, from simple to complex. With large amounts of memory, large storage and automation, computers can simplify even the most complex processes while storing large amounts of information for easy retrieval.


A computer is an electronic machine that processes raw data into information, does arithmetic and logical operations, and produces an output at high speeds based on the input provided by the user.

  • Modern computers consist of a CPU in the form of a microprocessor, a memory composed of semiconductor memory chips, input/ output devices, and peripheral devices for obtaining information externally.
  • Sometimes, the definition of a computer is limited to the ‘PC’ or a personal computer. But there’s more to it as you will see that there are different types of computers more specifically ‘computer systems’ that have different purposes.

Computer system

A computer system is a collection of devices that are compatible with each other. It takes an input from the user, processes it, and then provides an output, it also stores data and information. It is a dynamic union between hardware, operating system, software, and peripheral devices that makes it a complete computer for carrying out all kinds of operations and functions.

We can identify each of the components of a computer system as Hardware and Software:-

Hardware– This consists of :

  1. Input/ Output devices–  Input devices are devices used for entering data or a set of instructions to the CPU, e.g. keyboard, or mouse.
  2. Output devices are devices used to display, and produce or print the processed information e.g. monitors, and printers.
  3. CPU (Central Processing Unit)-  You can consider this to be the“brain” of the computer. It performs calculations and commands.
  4. Memory –  Memory is used by the CPU to store information and instructions that it needs to access rapidly. E.g. RAM (Random Access Memory)
  5. Storage devices-    Hard drives and solid state drives also known as ‘SSDs’
  6. Motherboard-    The motherboard is an integral part of the computer system as it links together all devices and allows communication via a NIC (Network Interface Card).

Software – This consists of :

  1. System program:- This manages the computer’s hardware and resources, the primary example being an OS  (Operating system),  CLI (Command Line Interface), Compiler, and Drivers.               
  2. Application programs:- These are used by end users to carry out certain tasks e.g. MS Office suite i.e. MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, MS Access MS Word, etc.

Different types of computer system

Brief descriptions of different types of computer system :

Types of Computer


As the name suggests, these computers have immense computing power and are used in scientific and engineering sectors which have applications in quantum mechanics, real-time simulations, weather forecasting, climate research, and molecular modeling. It requires a considerable amount of expertise to operate and maintain them.

2. Mainframe Computers

These computers are made in such a way, that they can be handled by a few hundred to more than a thousand users at the same time and can operate different tasks simultaneously. It is used by sectors like healthcare, education, defense, and retail which have huge amounts of data volume and transactions to manage.

3. Mini Computer

We can consider these computers to be a hybrid between a mainframe and a microcomputer with 2-4 processors. Often used by smaller organizations like institutions and departments for audits, inventory management, accounting, and personal use. Also known as a personal computer/ laptop.

4. Workstation Computer

A workstation is a computer that is meant for single use. It has a large amount of RAM and high-functioning expertise for scientific and technical applications. Multiple processor cores allow it to work better than normal computers and laptops.

5. Microcomputer

A microcomputer is any computer that is used for convenience due to its size. It is a computer meant for general-purpose use and suited for an individual with less or no expertise. This is the most basic kind of computer you are acquainted with. The microcomputer consists of minimal circuitry with a microprocessor as a CPU, memory, storage, and input/ output unit. Common examples are tablets, smartwatches, etc.

6. Server Computer

It is a dedicated computer meant for performing a select task and is limited in its capabilities. Hence it cannot multitask. Often set up for client service e.g. database server & security server

7. Analogue Computer

An analog computer is a type of computer that uses the spontaneous physical quantities of mechanical, electrical, and hydraulic systems to model the problem that needs to be solved. An example of an analog computer is a mechanical watch, where the rotation of each gear is interdependent to produce a change in the second, minute, and hour hands.

Feature Characteristics of  Computer System

Characteristics of Computer System


The computer is designed to be a fast calculator so that it can perform millions of calculations in less than a second (in the order of micro and nanoseconds). The speed is generally measured in MHz (Mega Hertz) and GHz (Giga Hertz).


The consistency and precision over time with which a computer can do calculations and tasks is far greater than a human. In short, It does not wear out even when the task load is complex and high.


A computer always maintains data integrity, a specific input will always produce a specific and desired output. It will not vary until and unless the input dataset is changed.


Automation is the ability of a computer to perform similar tasks all at once automatically without involving manual operations. It replaces a large workforce, with the help of programming or batch processing.


Versatility refers to the process of doing multiple tasks with the same kind of accuracy and efficiency. A computer is versatile when it comes to doing more than two things at once. For example, we can listen to music while working on a project, or surfing on the internet.


Memory is a collection of records, these records can be a program, data, or even information.
A computer can store millions of data or even more. The storage capacity is measured in B (bytes), KB (Kilobytes), MB (Megabytes), Gigabytes (GB), and Terabytes (TB).


A computer produces minimal error, even though the error may in itself be because of certain inputs given by the user. Or it is beyond the scope of the computer. Accuracy ensures that the computation is reliable and fast.


As stated above, a computer system consists of hardware, software(which includes programs), data and connectivity. A computer is non-functional without these elements. However, we can simplify it down to three basic components. These parts work together to make it functional in itself.

The three basic components are:-

A. Input Unit

This helps in entering the necessary data and instructions into the computer. The CPU then processes this accordingly to produce the necessary output. For example, a keyboard can input alphanumeric characters, a mouse can produce directional input (pointing) as a command. Other examples include barcode scanners, Magnetic Ink Characters (MICR), also touch screens. Touch screens have become increasingly popular these days in smartphones and ATMs.

B. Central Processing Unit

The computer receives data and commands given by the users based on the instructions provided. It has to depend on the Central Processing Unit. The CPU is further divided into three components which perform the tasks as intended:-

  • Memory Unit – The memory unit stores the programs, instructions, and data provided by the user until it is needed by the different parts of the CPU to process it. A set of pre-stored instructions further transmits this data to the different components
  • Arithmetic and Logical Unit- Also known as the ‘ALU’, it does arithmetic operations and basic mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication. It also does logical operations like AND, OR, NOT, NOR, XOR, and XNOR.

C. Control Unit

The control unit is the main element that controls the other units and decides how the data should be operated and processed depending on its type. It further sends the already processed data to the user.

D. Output Unit

The last and third unit. It produces data for the users in a presentable format, so that it can be understood. The data so displayed is intelligible, easy to read, and interpretable. Common examples of output devices are monitors, display screens, speakers, and printers.

Classification of computer

We generally classify computer systems based on their size, functionality, and data-handling capabilities.

The Classification based on size

  1. Supercomputers:A high-performing machine that has incomparable computing power w.r.t a general computer. Supercomputers generally run on Linux-based systems which amplifies their performance on so many levels. The computation power is measured in FLOPS (Floating Point Operations In Seconds) instead of MIPS (Million Instructions Per Second). Some common supercomputers are Jaguar, roadrunner, and param.
  2. Mainframe computers –   Better known as ‘Big Iron’ often used for huge amounts of data processing. Used in census, data processing, and statistics. It is also versatile as a server due to its efficiency with transaction processing. Hence, they are used by large organizations. System z10, system z9, and IBM z series are notable examples.
  3. Minicomputers – Commonly used these days for personal use. Introduced in the 60s for instrumentation, record keeping, calculation, and communication switching. They were much cheaper than mainframes and took up less space than usual. Also known as a personal computer or ‘laptop’.
  4. Microcomputers-  A micro-computer is the smallest of the lot when compared to the other computers. They have minimal circuitry and an input-output/processing system. Often used for their portability and personal convenience. Examples are smartphones and smartwatches.

Classification based on functionality

  1. Servers – Servers are singular-purpose computers that cater to only a specific type of function. They are named after the type of task assigned to operate. E.g. database servers, and security servers.
  2. Workstation – A workstation computer can accommodate one user at a time. It has a multiple-user operating system that provides commercial and personal use.
  3. Information appliances – They are convenient devices that perform minimal tasks like calculations, browsing the internet, also transferring multimedia to other compatible devices. They have less memory and are inflexible w.r.t. multitasking.
  4. Embedded computers – embedded computers can be considered as machines that are by default used on other machines. They are preprogrammed from the volatile memory itself, hence they do not cater to other functions. Which requires no booting or resetting

Classification based on data handling

  1. Analog computer: Analog computers handle physical data well, hence they are considered to be the best interpreters of physical quantities in real-time systems.
  2. Digital computer: Digital computers do calculations and logical operations. With numbers and characters being represented as a combination of 1s and 0s i.e. binary numbers. They are used for mathematical calculations, analyzing industrial data, also simulations.
  3. Hybrid computer: A hybrid computer is a mix between an analog computer and a digital computer. Analog signals are first converted into digital signals and then processed into a digital form.

Functionality of computer

The primary sequence of the functionality of a computer can be stated as:-

  • Input – Refers to the data given by the user via the hardware into the system program or application via the hardware.
  • Process- refers to the data that is interpreted and processed by the program.
  • Output- Refers to the displayed value or printed value that is well understood by the user on the output devices.
  • Storage- Includes programs and information that is stored.


In summary, a characteristics of Computer System is a powerful tool made up of hardware, software, and various components working together to process data, perform calculations, and handle multiple tasks efficiently. From high-performing supercomputers to everyday devices like microcomputers and smartphones, computer systems are designed to meet different needs. Their key characteristics speed, diligence, reliability, automation, versatility, memory, and accuracy make them indispensable in today’s world. Understanding these characteristics helps us appreciate the capabilities and potential of computers in simplifying and enhancing our daily blogs like Characteristics of Computer System and more.

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Characteristics of Computer System

  • 1. How does speed affect a computer system's performance?
    Speed is an integral part of computing power, the faster a computer system is, the greater the accuracy. Accuracy determines a less faulty outcome, hence speed reduces lag times, increased rate of multitasking, and higher task execution.
  • 2. Can you explain the importance of automation in computer systems?
    Automation reduces task load and ensures that most of the manual workforce is also decreased. It maintains data integrity, higher productivity, and reduced operating costs.
  • 3. Can a computer work without an operating system?
    The answer is, no. An operating system is essential as an interface between the user and the computer. It manages and executes tasks. When it is stripped down of its OS, the computer runs on BIOS (Basic Input Output System) which monitors the power usage and manages system errors.
  • 4. In what ways does diligence contribute to computing?
    Diligence refers to performing a task without showing signs of wear and tear. This maintains the consistency required for a computer to maintain its accuracy because it is a machine and can be programmed to do repetitive things without fail.

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